hippocampe fou
j'ai fini le taf
Stop-motion animation from handmade collages & green screen captation.
dreamlike journey of Hippo who, in a labor and capitalist society, detaches himself from his deadly daily life. Preferring to dream and escape towards better, plausible or fictional tomorrows

taqsim driver
Stop-motion animation from handmade drawings & green screen captation.
Magnum denounces with humor and irony the macho codes of the 80s by inviting a questioning of traditional masculine models.
Les Mamans du Congo
Stop-motion animation from handmade drawings & green screen captation.
Consolation tells the story of a woman who went through heartbreaking ordeals during the war events in her country, but ultimately found the strength to get back up and rebuild her life.
Stop-motion animation from handmade collages & green screen captation.
Choubi is an urban symphony of colors, a dreamlike delirium where we meet pink and soft 2CV, crocodiles, swimmers, tennis players and karatekas.
IREKE Ft. Pat Kalla
Femme Qui Danse
Stop-motion animation .
Ireke’s musicians and their faithful lemur explore distant galaxies to bring joy to gloomy planets.
João Selva
Stop-motion animation from handmade paintings & green screen captation.
Passarinho talks about the decline of biodiversity as illustrated by the disappearance of birds and the mistreatment of nature and wildlife.
Mo Yaro
Stop-motion animation from handmade collages, green screen captation.
After finding a precious stone, Lass finds himself propelled back in time to various periods in human history. In the past and the future, Lass will discover many wonders and dances leading him to reconnect with his culture.
*Winner :
-Sainté’Clip Festival
-Ciné Court Animé Festival de Roanne
*Nominee :
-Xposure International Photography & Film Festival
*Semi-finalist :
-Flick Festival
*Quarter-finalist :
-AfroAnimation Indie Short Film Award
Simé Love
Stop-motion animation from handmade collages.
The world becomes black and white after an omnipotent hand separates the lovers of the world. They will bring back the color with the message of this song, spread the love.
João Selva
Cadê Você
Stop-motion animation from handmade collages.
A mysterious man in a dark mood wanders the streets of a retro city with hints of the Florida coast. His journey will oscillate between dream and reality, painful past and fantasized projections. This passionate lover will have to face his old demons to see the sun reappear on the city and in his heart.
Captain Stambolov
Stop-motion animation from handmade collages.
Following drops of wine we share the heartache of a desperate man who drowns to forget in drink and feasting. This drop is also the blood that gives life to the inert, these red tears are also those of hope. This rebetiko has the clandestine power of yesteryear and, icing on the cake, the symbolic force of abstraction illustrating the intoxication of love.
Midnight Cassette
playing with the devil
Stop-motion animation from handmade collages & drawings/paintings of the musicians from Amy Winter.
Il venait d'avoir 20 ans
Directed, animated & edited by Peter the Moon.
Stop-motion animation from handmade collages.
Aliens Felines From Beyond The Galaxy
Directed, animated & edited by Peter the Moon & Ugo Vittu
Stop-motion animation from handmade collages.
A world of fish inhabiting sumptuous cathedrals is attacked by a horde of feline pirates. A dolphin shock duo is sent to the rescue. Who will emerge victorious from this battle of claws and fins ?
*Semi-Finalist :
-Festival del Cinema di Cefalù
*Nominee :
-ICAN/LAX International Film Competition
*Honorable Mention :
-Bugia FIlm Festival
Tender and Wild
Directed, animated & edited by Anne-Laure Etienne & Peter The Moon
Stop-motion animation from handmade collages
Trumpets of Consciousness
Stephanie Saturday
Directed, animated & edited by Anne-Laure Etienne & Peter The Moon
Stop-motion animation from handmade collages.
A character and a banal scene in a living room. Hammered by the images of his television, he finds himself alienated.
The fictional images end up outside his TV set and come to life. The character sees himself embarked at the wheel of his Ford Sierra, which is on fire. He is going around the world, to get out of this everyday life. On the road, he meets Stéphanie, it’s love at first sight. She will become her adventure companion, they will live an incredible epic, together and in love.
Digital Animation
See you next tuesday
Repeating Patterns x The Sweetest Pot
Directed, animated & edited by Ugo Vittu
Digital animation.
An innocent person hangs out in the factory and is kidnapped by strange aliens.
A relationship between impossible love and possession is established between the spring-loaded baby aliens and our protagonist.
Digital Animation
Le Shit et le Couvert
Directed, animated & edited by Ugo Vittu
Digital animation.
When the daily life of a peaceful retiree is disrupted by pigs, watch out for reprisals!
Everyone hates the police, especially grannies. Do like my grandmother, love grindcore, hate cops.
Digital Animation
Bullshit Assymetry Principle
Directed, animated & edited by Ugo Vittu
Digital animation made from old comic books.
A peaceful society of bears is attacked by the scum of the insect capitalist machine. The lonely bears will have to join forces to defeat the queen bee.
Digital Animation
Directed, animated & edited by Ugo Vittu. Digital Animation.
Two humans bored from life try to cheer themself up in an amusement park run by animals. They’ll discover that freedom was their tormentor, thanks to a pagan animal ritual and that they feel much more better behind bars, switching places with animals themselves.
Digital Animation
Ours Samplus
Ven A mi
Directed, animated & edited by Ugo Vittu. Digital Animation.
dreamlike journey through the world and cultures to discover phantasmagorical landscapes carried by an electronic and psychedelic music
Digital Animation
Rush Into the Night
Directed, animated & edited by Ugo Vittu. Digital Animation made with ols soviet propaganda posters.
In an industrialized city where everyone is working relentlessly, a worker flees into the forest. Climbing the tallest tree, he reaches a world where sweetness of life, the exercise of passions and procrastination are the key words.
But this beautiful escape could also just be fictional…
Bränn Östermalm
Directed, animated & edited by Ugo Vittu. Digital Animation from old Czech animated movies, pictures of Stockholm and live pictures from the band.
The boring bourgeoisie of Ostermalm, Stockholm, is living peacefully in their disgusting money. The well known swedish band Massgrav will unleash the most evil (and also cute) creatures from the underground to get rid of that filthy neighbourhood !
*Semi-Finalist :
-Mobile Film University
Digital Animation
Tarte au Bruit / Snack Bar / La Brigade du Rotofil
Scenario, Animation and editing by Ugo Vittu
Digital Animation made for Lovgun
Extract from the album « Bon Shit Bon Genre » released in 2022.
A wandering sailor falls in love with a lonely hydra. Their new relationship will lead them to unite against the domination of child-kidnapping vegetables.
Digital Animation
Le Tunnel de l'enfer
sly is a doer
Scenario, Animation and editing by Ugo Vittu
Digital Animation made for Le Tunnel de l’Enfer using almost exclusively images from Sylvester Stallone movies such as Tango & Cash, Daylight, Cobra, Cliffhanger, Over the Top…
Extract from the Ep « A Tribute to Daylight » released in 2021.
Digital Animation
Scenario, Animation and editing by Ugo Vittu
Digital Animation made for Eastwood, using drawings from Eastwood’s bass player.
Extract from the album « Antibiose » released in 2021.
*Finalist :
-Spooktacular Spectacular Family Festival
Digital Animation
sheeva yoga
Je suis charlie - Je suis voltaire ?
Scenario, Animation and editing by Ugo Vittu
Digital Animation made for Sheeva Yoga, using old engravings only.
Extract from the album « Vanitas Vanitatum » released in 2021.
*Honorable Mention :
-Lima Web Festival
Digital Animation
Come Over Here or Fuck Off
Scenario, Animation and editing by Ugo Vittu
Digital Animation made from Ona Snop’s artworks painted by Ghastly Castle.
Extract from the album « Intermittent Damnation » released in 2020
*Semi-finalist :
Festival del Cinema di Cefalù
Digital Animation
Oublier Quoi
Scenario, Animation and editing by Ugo Vittu
Digital Animation of oil paintings from the XVe and XVIe century.
Extract from the album « Combattre Leur Idée de l’Ordre » released in 2020
*Finalist :
Spooktacular Spectacular Family Film Fest
*Semi-finalist :
Festival del Cinema di Cefalù
ICAN/LAX International Film Competition
Digital Animation
An Animated Short Film
Scenario by Ugo Vittu & Ludovic Sire
Animated & edited by Ugo Vittu
Music & Sound Design by Ludovic Sire
Digital animation of still pictures & Live Shooting.
This is the story of a guy who goes into a cupboard. The guy’s name is Franck. He’s the sort of guy who sticks his nose into other people’s business. The arc of this epic saga will take him to the head of a flooded universe, a head filled with as many holes as a piece of paradoxical Swiss cheese. But he will soon realize that it’s not easy being married to the cadaver of an albino rodent when one is an up and coming disembodied nose.
Digital Animation
La Cité des Truites
Scenario by Kriskrass & Ugo Vittu
Handmade collages by Kriskrass & Ugo Vittu
Animated & edited by Ugo Vittu
Digital Animation of previous handmade collages
Extract from the album « Húbris » released in 2018
Digital Animation
Peinard et Mouillé / Skidüu Giluú
Scenario by Peter the Moon, Giles Davenport & Ugo Vittu
Animated & edited by Ugo Vittu
Digital Animation of still pictures & live shooting.
Extract from the album « Húbris » released in 2018
Digital Animation
Michel Anoia
La Terreur d'exister
Scenario by Michel Anoia Animated & edited by Ugo Vittu
Digital Animation of still pictures, live shooting & green screen work
Extract from the album « Plethora » released in 2016